This is one of several occasional essays on “Scripture Twisting.” The purpose of these very brief essays is to challenge certain popular interpretations of the Bible that really have little or no basis.Matthew 22:39 reads simply, A second [command] isRead more…
Body Life: Healthy or Sick?
Medical experts can evaluate a person’s physical condition by reliable observation and testing. In the spiritual dimension, a biblical diagnosis can also reveal the spiritual health of the church (ekklesia) when key aspects of Body Life are examined.
Pornography Destroys the Ability to Love
Perhaps the people most unaware of pornography’s “relational deception” areprofessing believers in Christ who erroneously think they are growing in their lovefor God and others while being involved with pornography. The absurdity of this illusion is revealed since “loving God”Read more…
The Two Greatest Priorities of Life
Two greatest priorities = two greatest commandments. There is no third great priority or third command to “love self.” Our natural love of self does not need to be commanded or increased. In fact, our love of self is aRead more…