In the spirit of the book list that has been started already on this group page, I wanted to start a list of helpful websites for those of us working among Bhutanese-Nepalis. 1. Sites Specifically Related to Bhutanese RefugeesRead more…
1 piece of the puzzle: mobile phones on a g-string
With the growing popularity of social networks like twitter, facebook, and others, the internet has become a key part in developing community. These venues also become opportunities to connect people with God’s word. Of course it first must be availableRead more…
Reaching 20s- 30s, through Social Networking
I have been doing a bit of research on mentoring between the young and older generation and good reasons for transferring these old traditional values, and visa versa See:—Reasons-To-Transfer-Old-Values&id=1657120 On what applications there are on online mentoring , andRead more…