Taking God’s Name in Vain by Careless Believers

Both unbelievers and believers can profane God’s Name. Undiscerning believers who lift up the Lord’s Name in vain sometimes do so by saying, “O My God” simply as an everyday response to emotional upheaval. Careless believers also take the Lord’sRead more…

The Kingdom of God and Disability

People with disabilities are shown as central to the teaching on the kingdom of God in Luke 14:1-24. However, to understand the message regarding those with disabilities, we must also recognize the eschatological nature in the broader section of LukeRead more…

Praise, Honor, and Glory

A Psalm Praise, Honor, and Glory to “El-Shaddai” The God of Russians, Koreans, Burmese, Chinese, and the Thai Of Malawi, Cote d’Ivoire, South Africa, Burundi, Egypt, all the ’stans, and Yemen as well Australia, Europe and America, the God ofRead more…

¿Seducción del Islam al “Cristiano” Occidente?

       ¿Seducción del Islam al “Cristiano” Occidente?   A.    “Tolerancia” en el Islam frente al “mea culpa” occidental       El Islam desde un principio optó por asimilar a los pueblos que conquistaba ostentando un grado de tolerancia hacia susRead more…


      Islamic Seduction of “Christian” West?   A.     “Tolerance” in Islam vs. the West stance of “Mea culpa”       Since its foundation, Islam chose to assimilate the ethnicities it conquered by providing a degree of tolerance to those whoRead more…