Lapham’s Quarterly intends to show that that history is the root of all education, scientific and literary as well as political and economic. The Summer 2015 edition of the publication is devoted to philanthropy. Some of the materials are alsoRead more…
Book Review: Pope and the Devil
Wolf, Hubert. Pope and Devil : the Vatican’s archives and the Third Reich. (Cambridge Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010) ISBN: 9780674050815. Read on
The Age of Global Giving
A guide to building effective partnerships between donors and funding recipients in the 21st Century.
What happened to oral learning? Blame Plato
In truth, formal oral learning among Western cultures never really disappeared. However, how did literary learning become so pre-eminent in schools, Churches, and other social meeting sites? Blame Plato for that. During his lifetime (427-347 BC), he apparently did notRead more…
Looking Back to Move Forward: Learning from Past Mistakes
I have noticed widespread ignorance of church history, especially among some of the younger church movements in South Africa today. Many leaders are nearly completely ignorant of the story of Christianity and their place in it. This ignorance seriously truncatesRead more…
Why so few churches among Muslims?
Historical reasons why there are so few MBB churches in the world: Greg Livingstone Thesis One: Only God Himself can “open eyes” and convince a Muslim to ‘bow the knee’ to Isa Al Masih as Saviour and Master. Matt.16:17;Read more…
Historical Evidence Supporting The Bible
This is a message delivered at a Sacramento College / Career group on the reliability of the Bible including historical evidence supporting its reliability.Read more…