In our Nepali and Hindi Christocentric Satsangs, the following mantra is always used at the beginning of the service. Ringing the bell and then beginning this Trinitarian chant provides a great and solemn call to worship. It is called a “vandan”, thatRead more…
Contextualization Series: Obedience v. Pragmatism
Excerpt: “. . . There is no shortage of anecdotal evidence provided by Christian opponents of contextualization who may point to story after story of Hindus who decided to follow Christ even though the gospel was presented in what might beRead more…
An Introduction to Contextualization Among Hindus
Excerpt: ” . . . . In this short paper, I would like to present a summary of what I have found to be some of the most essential points related to the topic of contextualization of Christian discipleship forRead more…
Bhutanese-Nepali Web Resource Catalog
In the spirit of the book list that has been started already on this group page, I wanted to start a list of helpful websites for those of us working among Bhutanese-Nepalis. 1. Sites Specifically Related to Bhutanese RefugeesRead more…
Himalchuli CD
This link directs you to the Aradhna website where you can learn how to obtain copies of the Nepali-language album, Himalchuli. This album features a number of Christocentric devotional songs that may be used in worship especially among Bhutanese-Nepali refugees.Read more…
Christocentric Satsang: Bhaj Paawantam
Resources for leading a Christocentric Satsang: Bhajans “Bhaj Paawantam” by Anil Dev Here is a demonstration of how to play and sing the Hindi-langugage bhajan (devotional song) called “Bhaj Paawantam”. This is a song written by Anil Dev and frequentlyRead more…
Ethnographic Chicago
I’ve providing here a full PDF version of my book, Ethnographic Chicago: Considering College Students and Ethiopian & Tamilian Immigrants Missiologically. If you would like a hard copy, they are available for order online. My simple hope is that GodRead more…
Repentance, Sinfulness and Hinduism
“. . . Where has sin and Satan taken hold of the people and the culture? This is point where we must preach the gospel vigorously . . .” (read full article)
Come as You Are: Contextualization Case Study
Please enjoy and freely use the following case study for training purposes. I’d absolutely love for you to take time to reflect on this and post your “What should Chris do” responses in the comment section. Let’s get a dialogue going!Read more…