Steward Leaders Enable Others to Claim Their Birthright

The Oxford online dictionary describes a birthright as “a particular right of possession or privilege one has from birth, especially as an eldest child.” Bible commentaries generally concur that a father’s eldest son in those days was recognized as theRead more…


THE CENTRAL COMMISSION   In the last verses of Matthew, there we find the passage known as the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 16-20), this portion of the Holy Scriptures contains a new commandment for the Christian Church: Followers of JesusRead more…

Issachar Count for Zero Curriculum

This curriculum and resources from Issachar Initiative is something I had been waiting and praying for many years! A free 6-week small group curriculum on the Great Commission it comes complete with video sessions, a participant guide and sermon outlines. TheRead more…

Issachar Summit

The Issachar Summit is a day long exposure on 29 October 2013 in Atlanta to the latest thinking in world evangelization, led by business leaders and ministry pioneers. The purpose is to accelerate the fulfilment of the Great Commission byRead more…

TWR and Faith Reliance

This booklet describes how TWR promotes global, generous living. Through this initiative Christians are motivated to become involved in the Great Commission, the joy and discipline of generous giving is taught as part of discipleship and leaders are trained inRead more…

The Where Coalition

Virgil Dugan challenges churches, ministries and generosity ministries to think about the where of giving. Churches that have developed, adopted and committed to a specific Great Commission Vision/Mission/Values have the most compelling incentive to experience a transformation of generous giving. Great CommissionRead more…