Prosperity Gospel Video

Watch this great video about the Prosperity gospel! Let me know your thoughts please.

A sketch on the mobilization of the Latin American

The Evangelical Latin American Church has grown quickly in the last 50 years. The nationalization of the leadership in the first half of the century and the emergence of national churches in the 30s, were decisive factors for the developmentRead more…

What is the gospel?

You can read the entry here.   What is your definition of the Good News?

The Rich Find Reassuring

I am sharing a document about Old and New Testament Teaching Which the Rich Find Reassuring of Paul Davies (All Nations – UK).  Paul and Wilma Davies were several years in Argentina and were de great help for missions movement Red Misiones Mundiales (COMIBAMRead more…

Partnership and Money. A study and exercise (E&S)

My friend and brother Paul Davies (All Nations-UK) was several years in Argentina. Paul in 2002 helped to us about Partnership and Money and relationship with several Churches different countries. I am sharing his presentation. Pablo Davies fue misionero junto con su esposa Wilma en Argentina.Read more…

An Enchanted World in Africa (& Prosperity Gospel)

Africa is an enchanted place, said Nyende. He is right.  To understand Africa, one has to realise this.  It is enchanted in many ways.  The past spills over into the present.  The future hovers in anticipation.  The earth seems toRead more…

Jealousy and Witchcraft: Africa and the World

‘Do you believe in witchcraft’, people ask me every now and then. This issue seems to puzzle the West. They hear that Africans ‘believe in witchcraft’, and are absolutely amazed. How can they, Westerners ask themselves? Then they set aboutRead more…

The Gospel is Bigger than you Think

It was a long haul flight and he had slept, read the magazine, eaten his supper and watched the movie. At 2:00am he picked up his Bible for some in-flight edification. Suddenly the aircraft experienced complete engine failure and theRead more…

Communicating In Context

  “Without their singing, I don’t know how they would ever get married.”  Sounds strange?  Not to a person serving one group in Asia where their singing is a key component of communicating history, and traditions, as well as manyRead more…

Communicating In Context

  “Without their singing, I don’t know how they would ever get married.”  Sounds strange?  Not to a person serving one group in Asia where their singing is a key component of communicating history, and traditions, as well as manyRead more…