The Effective Altruism cadre wants to tell you where to donate your money. They claim these recommendations are based on rationality, effectiveness, and efficiency and that any thinking person would agree with their rankings. It is easy to believe theyRead more…
A Post-#GivingTuesday Reflection
#GivingTuesday, a creation of the 92nd Street Y in New York City, is intended to bring together individuals, communities and organizations to celebrate generosity and giving. Now in its fourth year, #GivingTuesday takes place on the first Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Black FridayRead more…
Free ebook – Annual Giving Statement Resource
How to surprise and delight your givers with an excellent annual giving statement strategy. THIS GUIDE SERVES AS A PATHWAY TO DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT AN EXCELLENT ANNUAL GIVING STATEMENT. THIS GUIDE INCLUDES: • SAMPLE COVER LETTER • SAMPLE IMPACTRead more…
EFA report reveals Europe-wide optimism in voluntary income growth
Fundraising associations across Europe are optimistic about voluntary income growth, according toresearch from the European Fundraising Association (EFA). The report, Fundraising in Europe 2015, questioned fundraising associations in 16 European countries, The majority of the associations surveyed reported that voluntary income rose (eight) orRead more…
FREE eBook: Teaching Your Church to Give
According to CNN Money, “27% of Americans have no savings whatsoever, and 46% had less than $800 available in savings to cover an emergency.” If you’re serious about discipleship, you can’t afford to shy away from the important subjects of personalRead more…
Why the SDGs matter
One of the most important shifts in international cooperation of the last 50 years will take place in January, as the 15-year-old Millennium Development Goals campaign comes to an end and a new set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) comeRead more…
The laboratory for philanthropy
I am just back from the annual European Venture Philanthropy Associationconference, this year in Madrid. I have attended most of the organisation’s fifteen conferences – because venture philanthropy is at the cutting edge of all of Europe’s philanthropy. The conference isRead more…
FREE Stewarding Christmas ebook
Will You Own or Steward Christmas This Year? Your Guide on How to Bring the Meaning Back into Christmas Do any of these comments about Christmas sound familiar? I love Christmas but not the stress of trying to make everything perfect.Read more…
U.S. Foundation Funding for Africa: 2015 Edition
U.S. foundations made grants totaling nearly $1.5 billion focused on Africa in 2012. This represented 25 percent of foundations’ international giving, up from 14 percent in 2002. Produced by Foundation Center in cooperation with Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group, this first-everRead more…
Mobilizing New Harvesters
While most of the Church is aware of the Great Commission, mobilizing people for mission is still a great challenge. With the insecurity in the world, changing funding models (causing a drop in funding for many) and challenges getting permissionsRead more…