Spiritual formation and stewardship: 5 tips & a tool

Throughout most of the last decade, it has been a privilege for us to co-labor in God’s kingdom work as friends and fellow stewards.  We are better together because our gifts complement each other! Last week, we looked at 1 PeterRead more…

State of Civil Society 2015

The ’State of Civil Society 2015’ report addresses some of the most urgent global issues. From humanitarian response to long-term peacebuilding, civil society is often at the frontline of the world’s challenges. There is a specific focus on resource mobilization. ManyRead more…

How to Plan a Successful Capital Campaign in Four Steps

If a capital campaign might be in your organization’s future, it’s never too soon to think about the steps of good capital campaign planning.   If  your board is just starting to talk about a new building at board meetings, aRead more…

Capital Campaign Objectives: What Can We Raise Money For?

This post is step one of a four-step roadmap for your capital campaign planning. As part of this series, step one is all about possibility and impact. “What Should We Raise Capital Campaign Money For?” If a capital campaign is inRead more…

A Mismatch Between Need and Affluence

American communities with high standards of living often have low charitable giving rates, a new Chronicle analysis finds. Attached is the report while the website has excellent information.

6 Applications from Asia for All Steward Leaders

  I just returned from teaching a class with seventeen students at Torch Trinity Graduate University in Seoul, South Korea, entitled Biblical Stewardship and Christian Generosity.The experience was a highlight of my academic career because I learned so much from these globally-mindedRead more…

Who is the hero of your story?

As a fundraiser, one of the most important questions you should be asking yourself is this: “Who is the hero of my story?” If your organization’s fundraising is like most, the answer is obvious: Most organization’s fundraising materials depict the organizationRead more…

Listen Your Way to Your Capital Campaign Gifts

What’s the toughest lesson to learn when you are soliciting your campaign gifts? To know when to shut up. Failure – or success – with your capital campaign ask Just imagine: Here you are, ready to make a key campaign solicitation. You’reRead more…