A Church of England publication that examines how giving in local congregations could be encouraged
Generosity becoming a spiritual discipline for churches
An article that argues that generosity should become a spiritual discipline in churches
Generosity Champions Equipping Guide
A guide that looks at equipping people with a gift of giving
Generosity Bible Verses
Bible verses dealing with various aspects on generosity
Fund-Raising for Christian Ministry
An article that describes various Biblical approaches to stewardship and fundraising
Creating a culture of generosity during an economic downturn
An article looking at encouraging generosity in a difficult economic climate
Christian generosity in Europe
Presentation given at European generosity discussion, 20 April 2012
Christian Finance in 2010
An article in the Atlas of Global Christianity focusing on Christian finances
Revelation and giving
Audion presentation given to Association of Christian Foundations in 2002
A global understanding of the cultural context of stewardship
A presentation given at the Resource Mobilisation Working Group consultation in Washington, 2008