Measuring Impact

Looks at how ministries can measure impact when communicating with donors.


A Tearfund publication to help organisations and ministries to raise financial support

Funding for Evangelism and Mission

A paper produced by an issue group on mission funding for the Lausanne consultation in October 2004

7 Funding Structure

Looks at different Biblical approaches to giving for mission

When does fundraising become unethical?

When does fundraising become unethical? When fundraisers act as takers, not lead givers Jim Harries had me from hello. Even the title of his post on the Lausanne Global Conversation site–Biblical Giving, Holding Donors Accountable–is about the best five word summaryRead more…

Different Paths of Innovation in Mission

You know how you hate to be told the ending of a movie? It really ruins the whole experience. We want to enjoy the whole experience and see where the plot takes us. But in life, we are not soRead more…

Generosity coaches are necessary

Generosity coaches are necessary because giving is learned, not latent in donors Interesting that shortly after I posted a general affirming review of Kathy LeMay’s The Generosity Plan, especially with regard to its democratization of philanthropy, I would run across aRead more…

Spirituality of Fundraising

By way of introduction, I want to say that fund raising, if you think about it from the perspective of the Gospel, is not a response to a crisis. Fund raising is first of all, a form of ministry.Read more…