An outline of a ministry fundraising course provided by Rob Martin and Barbara Shantz.
UK Giving 2012: An overview of charitable giving in the UK, 2011/12
The overall amount given to charity in the UK has fallen in 2012. Against a backdrop of tough economic times, evidence indicates that fewer people are giving. Many are giving less. The overall impact is that giving fell by 20%Read more…
MBA in Biblical Stewardship and Christian Management
Information on the MBA in Christian Management and other courses taught through the Center for Biblical Stewardship at the Asian Theological seminary in the Philippines.The MBA course is a 42-unit professional program designed for executives of church, parachurch, mission groups,Read more…
Generosity Resources List
The Generosity Resources List provides information on various kinds of generosity resources available to encourage Christian stewardship, generosity and giving. Please send Sas Conradie information on other resources. His e-mail address is [email protected].
Review of ‘Giving & Getting in the Kingdom: A Field Guide’ by Mark Dillon
John Pearson reviews Mark Dillon’s book ’Giving and Getting in the Kingdom’. He reflects on amongst others Dillon’s description of George Mueller’s fundraising approach that avoided challenging God’s people toward their responsibility to allocate their resources, time, talent and treasureRead more…
Generosity Resources List
The Generosity Resources List provides information on various kinds of generosity resources available to encourage Christian stewardship, generosity and giving. Please send Sas Conradie information on other resources. His e-mail address is [email protected]. These resources will be added to updatedRead more…
Five Things They Never Told Me About Christian Fundraising
What’s so Christian about the way we do our fundraising? Is Christian fundraising nothing more than secular fundraising with some Bible verses strewn throughout our appeal letters? I have been wrestling with these questions over my career wanting to understandRead more…
ECFA’s Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship
Standards that help Christian ministries earn the public’s trust. The Standards focus on board governance, financial transparency, integrity in fundraising, and proper use of charity resources.
Generosity and resource mobilization books and booklets
A list of generosity and resource mobilization related books and booklets, many of which were mentioned in generosity questionnaires distributed during the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Cape Town, October 2010
Faith-Reliance and Inter-Dependence – an overview
Explaining the importance of local Biblical based resource mobilisation