Revealing Indian Philanthropy

This is a link to a very interesting book on philanthropy in India. A must read for anybody interested in resource mobilisation in India.

3 Steps for Re-Soliciting Your Support

You would be amazed how much money you are sitting on that could be yours if you were to discover 3 steps for re-soliciting your support. Step 1 – Focus on your Pledged Donors. This is your highest priority. YourRead more…

Philanthropy in Europe – A rich past, a promising future

Philanthropy in Europe is rooted in a rich past and is moving towards a promising future. The diversity of philanthropic initiatives in Europe are explained through a few examples of European foundations. This dynamic philanthropy continues to have a majorRead more…

TWR and Faith Reliance

This booklet describes how TWR promotes global, generous living. Through this initiative Christians are motivated to become involved in the Great Commission, the joy and discipline of generous giving is taught as part of discipleship and leaders are trained inRead more…

2013 Congregational Economic Impact Study

This study examines the impact of the economic environment on a sample of U.S. congregations. This study includes responses from 3,103 U.S. congregations, of which nearly two-thirds are Mainline Protestant, a quarter are Evangelical Protestant, and the rest are other ChristianRead more…

12 Steps to Raise Ministry or Missionary Support

Using the image of a tree, Brian Kluth describes 12 very practical steps to raise ministry and missionary support. Step one starts with daily time with God, step 2 emphasises Godly teaching, step 3 is about service, step 4 dealsRead more…

10 Easy Ways Board Members Can Raise Money

Board members can help organisations to mobilise funds. These are some ideas:help Ask a foundation executive or corporate representative to sponsor your annual event. Ask a friend or family member to sponsor your annual event. Ask everyone you know toRead more…

7 Tips for Improving Donor Stewardship

Stewardship is the responsibility of taking care of something that belongs to someone else. Olsen gives a few tips and resources to improve the way organisations deal with donors. They include: treating donors well, have a written stewardship plan, followRead more…