finance for living: resourcing global mission

The Stewardship Finance for Living papers are excellent resources for missionaries who need to raise personal support. Each one has been written by an expert who understands the particular challenges faced by Christian workers who live on a support basis.Read more…

prepare: getting ready for mission

Starting anything for the first time requires a certain amount of preparation; some are better than others at this and maybe the temptation to ‘just get on with it’ means we don’t fully appreciate what’s involved (anyone who’s attempted flatRead more…

7 Ways to Have “The Talk” Sooner Rather Than Later

Not talking about money with your church is like not talking about sex with your kids. Just like a middle-school locker-room, truth will be distorted and God-honoring meaning will be lost if we surrender the conversation. If you stop and listen, everyone else is talkingRead more…

Advice and Tips for Nonprofits on Annual Reports

Creating annual reports are essential for ministries to report on what happened in the year before and look forward at the year ahead. Unfortunately I find that it annual reports are extremely difficult to get from ministries. The website providesRead more…

Road Map to Impact: Setting Communications Objectives

Communication aims at achieving three main outcomes: Raising awareness, changing attitudes and motivating people to take action. Strategies, messages, creative content and engagement activities must all be designed to achieve specific, strategically selected communications objectives. These objectives are described in thisRead more…

What Have We Done to This Word?

f you are like vast majority of believers, whenever you hear the word stewardship you immediately think money and giving. A quick word search on the internet will explain why. That is about the only way it is used withinRead more…