This is an interesting infographic on cultural relevant collaboration between foundations and grant recipients.
Cultural Relevance
This is an interesting infographic on cultural relevant collaboration between foundations and grant recipients.
Cultural Relevance
This is an interesting infographic on cultural relevant collaboration between foundations and grant recipients.
Why the SDGs matter
One of the most important shifts in international cooperation of the last 50 years will take place in January, as the 15-year-old Millennium Development Goals campaign comes to an end and a new set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) comeRead more…
U.S. Foundation Funding for Africa: 2015 Edition
U.S. foundations made grants totaling nearly $1.5 billion focused on Africa in 2012. This represented 25 percent of foundations’ international giving, up from 14 percent in 2002. Produced by Foundation Center in cooperation with Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group, this first-everRead more…
Making Big Bets for Social Change
Why does such a large gap exist between what donors say they would like to achieve with their philanthropy and where they actually make their biggest bets? And how can we close it? The article tries to give answers toRead more…
Tending to the Roots: Why the biggest difference you can make may be on your doorstep
Who do we give to and why? In practice, giving is driven by emotions as much as any cost-benefit analysis. Consequently, the groups that usually benefit are those making headlines, those people have personal affiliations to or sadly, those whichRead more…
Multi-Generational Models That Work
This is the third post in a three-part series. Click here for part one, “Going Long: Building a Legacy of Family Philanthropy,” and part 2, “Raising the Next Generation of Givers.” If you have not read the first two posts inRead more…
New Family Foundations Are Less Focused on Regional Giving, Study Finds
Family foundations created in the past 25 years account for nearly 70 percent of all family funds, a reflection of the great wealth amassed during that time period and the continued interest of more recent donors in formalizing theirRead more…
Going Long: Building a Legacy of Family Philanthropy
For a substantial number of wealthy Americans, establishing charitable foundations and family funds has become an attractive and tax-effective way of channeling their philanthropy, and as a result the proliferation of such vehicles has reached unprecedented levels. In the UnitedRead more…