Adoniram Judson … Endurance Personified

The most striking aspect of the Judson-Burma story is suffering. From start to finish, his biography describes hardship. He, his family, and his co-workers lived lives of affliction almost unparalleled in modern mission history.

World Economic Crisis and The Last Days

Have you noticed how countries are financially linked like no other time in history? Are you aware of the calamities inherit to this linkage? The global financial challenge could be one more difficulty associated with the “last days” of TheRead more…

Suffering and Prosperity: Equal Challenges to Faith

A response to Ajith Fernando’s ’Embracing Suffering in Service’ As a Westerner I wholeheartedly agree with Fernando’s conclusions. For centuries large parts of the Middle East were lost to church and mission because of Islam. The same can become trueRead more…

God is Faithful …. How could we forget that?

God’s faithfulness is the strong foundation ungirding our lives and endeavors that bring glory to Him. His faithfulness is the anchor that has held believers steady throughout history. Click on the URL below for a refreshing reminder of our faithfulRead more…

Martyrs of Love

Comfortable Christians will produce more comfortableChristians. Martyrs will produce more martyrs.Read more…

Living Martyrs

Living MartyrsActs 1:8Christ has given us His Spirit of Martyrdom. Christians are called to be fearless lovers of the lost.Read more…