Radio TIPPS is a 60 second radio program designed to encourage, equip, and empower educators, parents, and students to live out their faith in the school. TIPPS also focuses on helping parents bring up successful children who are ready andRead more…
Offering every child a Christian worldview
If we are to evangelize and disciple the nations by reaching the children, we must give more serious consideration to educating the whole child with a Biblical worldview. Together, we can.
Are We Failing Our Life Study?
I have followed many blogs on this and other sites and have not gained a lot of insight or consistancy about why Christians don’t know more about the Bible. I have attached my blog with this question, so please readRead more…
Northrise University
Website and Blog of Northrise University Initiative.
The Growth We See
The one thing that struck me the first day of school was the growth of the students we had last year, not only physical, but the maturity and confidence they had. Quite a few new children were having a hardRead more…
Introductory Video, 2007
This video is a good introduction to the ministry and work of The Veritas Forum in universities in North America and Europe. For more information, visit our website at
Storying isn’t just for those who can’t read
People often ask us what we do. We’ve learned to be simple in our response, so we most often say, “We tell stories.” Then people ask us more questions, and as they do, the conversation almost always turns to illiteracyRead more…
Critical Issues: Education
This is a text from Chab Dai about Education.
Hope Kindergarten, Jericho
OverviewThe West Bank and Gaza, with 43% of the populationunder the age of 15, is an area ravaged by politicalturmoil, widespread poverty, food shortages andinfrastructure destruction. These factors make itdifficult for families to find quality education for theirchildren. Seeds ofRead more…
Jericho Cultural Learning Center
The population of Jericho, the West Bank, and Gaza isestimated at 4 million, of which 65% are under the ageof 24 and 43% are under the age of 15. These youngpeople grow up without much hope for their future.They areRead more…