This is the 30-second promo for the second episode produced on Oral Communicators as part of the Down To Earth radio series. If you want to use these in other regions or languages feel free to take the content andRead more…
Radio Series:Intro to Lausanne Radio Conversation
With the “Down to Earth” radio series we want to stimulate discussion around the CT2010 themes on the continent of Africa. This introductory programmes provides background to the Lausanne Movement and the build up to “Cape Town 2010”, the ThirstRead more…
Pre-Lausanne Radio – Oral Communicators-Episode A
TWR is one of several media ministries trying to engage the church in Africa (who won’t be reached by this website) with the crucial issues of Cape Town 2010. Multiple series are being made available with at least four episodesRead more…
Pre-Lausanne Radio – Oral Communicators-Promo A
This is the 30-second promos for the first episode produced on Oral Communicators. I will post one episode per a week this month along with it’s transcript. If you want to use these in other regions or languages feel freeRead more…
Down to Earth:Intro to Lausanne Radio Conversation
With the “Down to Earth” radio series we want to stimulate discussion around the CT2010 themes on the continent of Africa. Please listen in and respond to this programme!
Down to Earth:Intro to Lausanne Radio Conversation
With the “Down to Earth” radio series we want to stimulate discussion around the CT2010 themes on the continent of Africa. Please listen in and respond to this programme!
How to Lead a Discussion
This is a great outline to use if you are preparing to lead a meeting, small group or class.Read more…