Ducking Missionary Conflict – in Africa and beyond

This article first appeared in the July 2009 issue of Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ). Inter-personal conflicts frequently trouble missionary endeavours. Solutions advocated often emphasise the importance of missionary relationships. Without discrediting those ‘solutions’, I want to ask whether Western missionRead more…

The Heart Of The Gospel

A response to Samuel Escobar’s ’Migration & Ethnic Conflict’ I first read Samuel Escobar’s timely article aboard a flight from Toronto, Ontario, bound for Edmonton, Alberta. Flying across Canada, a nation touted for its ’vigorous immigration policy’ and official MulticulturalismRead more…

The Heart of the Gospel

Read: The Heart of the Gospel (on migration and ethnic conflict) A Response to Samuel Escobar’s ’Mission Fields on the Move’ at

Ethnic identity is a part of God’s plan

If a session on ethnicity was started by asking the audience to write down the first words that come into their minds when they hear the words ‘ethnic’, ‘ethnicity’ or ‘ethnic identity’ the commonest word that would emerge in feedbackRead more…

Innocent Voices: Reliving El Salvador’s Civil War

The film Innocent Voices tells the story of El Salvador’s civil war in the 1980s through the eyes of an 11-year-old boy. Co-writer Oscar Torres escaped to the United States from his native land and lived through the events dramatized onscreen.Read more…