Lasting Peace Comes Only Through Jesus

People throughout the world long for peace. Satisfying this longing, however, requires a change of heart that is out of reach for everyone apart from God’s grace.

The Family Meeting

The process of caring for aging parents can be a time that draws families closer together. Unfortunately, it usually becomes a time that tears them apart. Typically, the sister who lives near by feels she is sacrificing her life toRead more…

Doing What’s Right

Did you ever get the feeling that honesty and integrity are things of the past? I admit it does seem that way at times.

Workplace Evangelism: Part 3

  Conflict: Facing It & Comforting Co-Workers        In the workplace, life happens and is lived out. Christians need to be Biblically prepared to address and minister to everyone as the issues of life bloom before us andRead more…

Crisis, Change and Conflict

In December 2008, Chip Zimmer, Peacemaker Ministries’ Vice President of International Ministries, was invited to give a keynote address for a pastors’ conference in Lima, Peru. The theme of the conference was “Empowered to Pastor in the Midst of the WorldRead more…

Christian Conflict; is success possible

I have read many of the conversations concerning pluralism, atheism, apologetics, unity, evangelism, etc and I am having trouble getting past the division among Christians much less the attacks from other theists or atheists.  This conversation is more of aRead more…

Healing the Wounds of Ethnic Conflict

Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Rhiannon Lloyd, Joseph Nyamutera and Anastase Sabamungu as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Peace to the Nations: Ethnicity in theRead more…