Disciple Nations Alliance has a treasure chest of papers, articles and videos on various aspects of community development, community transformation, worldview, the role of the church in community development, poverty, wealth and much more. Some of the resources are alsoRead more…
Russian transcripts of Bishop Hannington and the Handful of Rice videos
The Bishop Hannington (http://generositymovement.org/2011/09/grace-of-giving-bishop-hannington/) and Handful of Rice (http://generositymovement.org/2011/09/a-handful-of-rice/) videos are being distributed and used across the world. The attached documents are the Russian translated scripts of the videos.
Women and the Web: Bridging the Internet gap and creating new global opportunities in low and middle-income countries
’From activists in Egypt to coffee farmers in Colombia, the Internet has transformed the lives of billions of people. It functions as a gateway to ideas, resources, and opportunities that never could have been realized before, let alone fathomed. AllRead more…
Life is a Gift, The Grace of Giving and A Handful of Rice
These are short vides that show generosity and giving in action in India and Africa. More such videos are needed!
50 Ways NOT to Leave your Lover! “The art of community transformation”
“Never leave your wingman!” When I heard those words spoken to Tom Cruise in the movie Top Gun, I remember thinking, why was that so important? I soon found that the most crucial relationship and group dynamic is exemplified in a jetRead more…
A Promising Partnership Alliance
Description of the Church Initiated Neighborhood Development formed by Campus Crusade, Communities First, Disciple the Nations Alliance, Food for the Hungry, Harvest, and LifewindRead more…