Useful Bible passages for climate questions #3

There are many wonderful articles here about stewardship of God’s creation. So here’s an experiment to try something different. Can we pool our experience to provide Biblical answers to basic questions many Christians are asking? Please start with a BiblicalRead more…

Useful Bible passages for climate questions #2

There are many wonderful articles here about stewardship of God’s creation. So here’s an experiment to try something different. Can we pool our experience to provide Biblical answers to basic questions many Christians are asking? Please add your favourite relevantRead more…

Useful Bible passages for climate questions #1

There are many wonderful articles here about stewardship of God’s creation. So here’s an experiment to try something different. Can we pool our experience to provide Biblical answers to basic questions many Christians are asking? Please start with a BiblicalRead more…

Praying for the climate?

If being stewards of the climate is part of loving God and our neighbours, then obviously we should pray about it. Here is a monthly climate prayer resource from Climate Stewards (part of A Rocha). I hope it’s helpful. GraceRead more…

While Creation Awaits Christ’s Return

Every day I walk, and nearly every day I find something I can pick up and toss out that keeps the environment a tiny bit cleaner.  I recycle everything I can, and I reuse or donate everything I can. ChristiansRead more…

How Do You Pray about an Oil Spill?

Though the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is now capped and the world has for the most part moved on, the issue of how we as Christians should respond to such situations remains.  I wrote the following articleRead more…