Unedited video from the October 29, 2012, Denver City Impact Roundtable:
Lessons from a CityReacher web link to Presentation
This is the link to the Denver CIR and Denver 2012 presentations by Charles Daugherty.
Denver 2012 City Impact Roundtable Agenda/Schedule Outline
Text or link to be added…
Denver 2012 City Impact Roundtable: Greater Cedar Rapids and Iowa
Denver 2012 City Impact Roundtable: Lessons of a CityReacher
To be added…
Denver 2012 City Impact Roundtable: Terra Haute & the greater Indiana area
To be added…
Denver 2012 City Impact Roundtable: Key Take-a-ways
Take a ways and evaluation
Denver 2012 City Impact Roundtable: Appleton & the greater Wisconsin area
to be added…
Denver 2012 City Impact Roundtable: Branson City Story
Denver 2012 City Impact Roundtable: Denver City Story
Denver City Stroy/Model…