What would it look like if God determined to show Himself through the united churches of a city? What would happen if Senior Pastors and Elder Boards started to pursue something larger than their local expression of the church? HowRead more…
Global Metro Monitor 2014
With only 20 percent of the population, the world’s 300 largest metropolitan economies accounted for nearly half of global output in 2014. The report compare growth patterns in the world’s 300 largest metro economies on two key economic indicators—annualized growthRead more…
The World’s Most Influential Cities
The attached report and website article rank London as the world’s most influential city. London is followed by New York and Paris. The report graded 58 leading metropolitan areas in eight categories: the amount of foreign direct investment they haveRead more…
Asia rising
This Economist report examines the rise of Asia in engineering services, environmental technology, food processing, healthcare, oil/gas, and wholesale/retail. The report can serve as a ’template’ to see where the Christians can be placed into from corporations, cities, and countriesRead more…
How to pray for your city
How to Pray for Your City Bliss Spillar is assistant to the lead pastor at Portico Church in Charlottesville. He blogs at BlissSpillar.com. When we think about the book of Acts, we usually think about the beginning of the church, theRead more…
Business in Mission
Tell a Child, Tell the World The theme for the GC Children’s Ministries these next five years is Every Child A Disciple of Jesus! The new theme logo incorporates the initiatives of the world church: Tell a Child, Tell the World; ReachRead more…
All ciites should be involved in mission because it was God’s plan for His church. We must be able to join God in His work. It is a priviledge to be a part of God’s family and we must joinRead more…
An Urban Perspective – Lausanne Global Leadership Forum
Cities are growing everywhere, from New York City to the slums, and are filled with tremendous opportunity for ministry. The church needs to be trained to reach urban people. Speakers Mac Pier, Corrie DeBoer, and Atul Aghamkar urge the churchRead more…
The Gospel’s Impact on Four Cities: Antioch – Lausanne Global Leadership Forum
Paul Joshua gives a Bible exposition on the church in Antioch from Acts 11:19-20, 13:1-3. He describes the significant geographical, demographic, and theological developments in Christianity during that time. Paul Joshua is a member of the Lausanne Theology Working GroupRead more…
The Frontier of Mission Advance is Shifting
During my recent tour through Michigan teaching the infamous “Lesson 14” of Perspectives(“Pioneer Church Planting”), one of my primary emphases was that in the 21st century, the frontiers of mission are shifting radically. In the latter part of the 20th century, RalphRead more…