The Stewardship Finance for Living papers are excellent resources for missionaries who need to raise personal support. Each one has been written by an expert who understands the particular challenges faced by Christian workers who live on a support basis.Read more…
7 Ways to Have “The Talk” Sooner Rather Than Later
Not talking about money with your church is like not talking about sex with your kids. Just like a middle-school locker-room, truth will be distorted and God-honoring meaning will be lost if we surrender the conversation. If you stop and listen, everyone else is talkingRead more…
What Have We Done to This Word?
f you are like vast majority of believers, whenever you hear the word stewardship you immediately think money and giving. A quick word search on the internet will explain why. That is about the only way it is used withinRead more…
small church, BIG IMPACT
Your church size has huge implications. Church leaders often define their career worth in terms of people in the pews. It always seems to surface within the first two or three minutes of conversations among pastors. How’s attendance been recently? Read more…
Maple Grove’s Generosity Journey
The video shares the holistic generosity journey of Maple Grove Covenenant Church in the US. Their journey could be an example to other churches across the world.
What is Holistic Generosity?
When you hear the word “generosity,” what comes to mind? Finances? If that’s your first thought, you are not alone. Generosity and money are intimately connected. But, what happens when you unleash generosity from the confines of money? Let me giveRead more…
Charity and philanthropy in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
I joined in on a webinar on charity and philanthropy in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS countries). Because of the interest and value to ministries and churches, I decided to post the powerpoints presented and resources mentionedRead more…
7 Ways to Kiss Fundraising Goodbye [Slideshare]
Traditional fundraising is broken. It lock nonprofits and charities in an endless cycle of chasing low return activities. A much better approach is to create a sustainable financial model that aligns well with your mission and core competencies. Nonprofits must moveRead more…
Stop Medicating Your Church
A couple of years ago, one of our girls came home with a troubling look on her face. She was flushed and downcast. Her typically joyful seven-year-old attitude was gone. “Daddy, my throat started hurting at lunch time and it’s stillRead more…
Transforming Scrooge – How do you shift the culture in a church from greed to a way of generosity?
During the last Christmas season I reacquainted myself with Charles Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge, one of the nastiest, mean-spirited old men in English literature. He’s found, of course, in A Christmas Carol(published 1843), Dickens’ short novel about a man addicted to moneyRead more…