How to surprise and delight your givers with an excellent annual giving statement strategy. THIS GUIDE SERVES AS A PATHWAY TO DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT AN EXCELLENT ANNUAL GIVING STATEMENT. THIS GUIDE INCLUDES: • SAMPLE COVER LETTER • SAMPLE IMPACTRead more…
FREE eBook: Teaching Your Church to Give
According to CNN Money, “27% of Americans have no savings whatsoever, and 46% had less than $800 available in savings to cover an emergency.” If you’re serious about discipleship, you can’t afford to shy away from the important subjects of personalRead more…
The Route 7 Stewardship Journey Road Map
The Generous Life Route 7 road map is a tool to help apply Biblical principles in a simple and systematic way to your finances. The map has seven steps with clear-steps to complete on the journey. Notice in the sevenRead more…
10 Ways to Cast a Generosity Vision in Your Church
Long gone are the days when folks gave to the church simply because that was the expectation. Dollars are often tight. Members have sometimes seen church dollars spent poorly. Young people in general want to support hands-on, personal ministry.Read more…
4 Creative Ways to Teach Stewardship This Fall
You’ve tried sermons. Sermon series. Special offerings. The “ask.” Finance committees. Stewardship campaigns. And none of it seems effective at truly making biblical stewardship part of your church’s culture. Talk about frustrating! Here’s the thing, though: Stewardship—understanding that God ownsRead more…
Unshakable Generosity – a 6 Week Curriculum for your Church
We found something recently that got us pretty excited. The Unshakables is a 13-week curriculum developed by Michael Chapman. From years on staff in the media, communications, creative, worship, and arts departments at churches large and small in the States andRead more…
Giving Away the Weekend Offering
Note: This article was written by Pastor Keith Speaks of Hales Corners, Wisconsin. It was written at the request of GenerousChurch after Hales Corners Lutheran Church gave away an entire weekend’s offering as they integrated generosity as a keyRead more…
6 Applications from Asia for All Steward Leaders
I just returned from teaching a class with seventeen students at Torch Trinity Graduate University in Seoul, South Korea, entitled Biblical Stewardship and Christian Generosity.The experience was a highlight of my academic career because I learned so much from these globally-mindedRead more…
Southern Baptists generously support missions
As they plan creative new ways to reach the lost, the International Mission Board and Woman’s Missionary Union leaders expressed gratitude to Southern Baptists for the generous support churches gave to the 2014 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for international missions. Finalized inRead more…
FREE copy of The Business of Generosity: How companies, non profits and churches are working together to deliver remarkable good
Generosity is more than a donation. It’s more than a fleeting feeling of wanting to help someone else. Generosity is a way of living and being that pushes us to make the world a better place. It’s the passion andRead more…