Victor John ( India), Aychiluhm Rahmato (Ethiopia) and Liz Adleta (South Africa) describe church planting movements among missing peoples, noting elements shared between the different contexts. The Church must be ready for this kairos moment in history as rules ofRead more…
Where are the Sheep being Pastured??
Question: Why were Joseph’s brothers pasturing the flocks in Dothan when Jacob sent him to find them in Shechem? (Genesis 37:13-17) Answer: Because they were nomads, and nomads move to the best place to take care of their animals. ItRead more…
1 in 10 Australians Now Live in Poverty
Today, October 19, 2010, an article ( was published in Christian Today citing a report released on Monday from the Salvation Army (, noting that 1 in 10 (2 million) Australians now live in poverty. Other findings include: 70% ofRead more…
Best Practices for Reaching Pastoral Nomads
Working toward successful church development among nomads. The goal is to find out what works.
Best Practices for Reaching Pastoral Nomads
Working toward successful church development among nomads. The goal is to find out what works.
Research Forms: People Groups & Areas
Attached here are two forms that we provide for our new church planters to encourage them to begin engaging in meaningful research in their respective mission fields. The forms are not intended to help produce a full-fledged ethnographic report ofRead more…
When Paul Preached the Gospel
The attached PDF is a handout which features three of Paul’s evangelistic sermons printed side-by-side. We use this handout in training events especially for new church planters to teach them about the importance of understanding their mission fields and pursuingRead more…
Contextualization in Church-Planting Missions: What is it?
The attached PDF is of an article that we use especially in training events to introduce new church planters to the concept of contextualization. It provides a very brief definition and important questions for reflection that can provide useful forRead more…
Urban Mission and Reconciliation – Jubilee Community Church, Cape Town
Urban Mission and Reconciliation – Jubilee Community Church Since the birth of the new South Africa in 1994, the country has been affectionately referred to as the Rainbow Nation. This represents a celebration of the rich diversity of cultures, languagesRead more…
Telling the Truth about Ministry Failure
I wrote this piece this week. You can also view it here. It’s about telling the truth in ministry failure, in seeing God’s hand when success isn’t there. I can honestly say I learned more in failing in France thanRead more…