A CHE based (Community Health EVangelism) Disablity Training of Trainers will be held in Brookeville, MD 20833 October 16-20, 2011. Topics include: What is Normal? /The Thelopgy of Suffering/ Valuing and serving people affected by disabilities/ Making the home andRead more…
Bring Good News to the poor
Give a gift in honor of your friend or relative.Read more…
CHE Powerpoint Presentation
A Powerpoint overview of the CHE Global NetworkRead more…
CHE Overview
What is CHE? This document answers that question with a complete overview of Community Health Evangelism (CHE)Read more…
Urban CHE Overview: Neighborhood Transformation
This overview discusses the purpose of Neighborhood Transformation and includes sections on: “Poverty and Urban Transformation,” “The Approach to Transforming Neighborhoods in Poverty” and “Working Groups in Neighborhood Transformation.”Read more…
Community Health Evangelism
Community Health Evangelism seamlessly integrates evangelism and discipleship with disease prevention and community based development.Read more…
Creative Facilitation Techniques
30 pages of creative ideas for fun, participatory workshopsRead more…
Moving From Charity to Community Development
This article outlines the heart of development–what it means to truly live in solidarity with those who are in need, to move from being a servant to being a friend.Read more…
CHE and the Challenge of the Streets
This document outlines the use of the Community Health Evangelism (CHE) method to combat issues affecting street children in urban areas.Read more…
Collaborative for Neighborhood Transformation
Our Target: Urban Disadvantaged NeighborhoodsRead more…