In my full-time role at Covenant Family Wealth Advisors ( I have been advising a Christian couple with respect to their financial and estate planning. They are in the process of discerning how to give away the bulk of theirRead more…
The PC Inquirer Blog
A Christian Conservative blog highlighting issues faced by the persecuted church in Pakistan, as well as topics surrounding religious freedom and human rights around the world. Excellent source of first hand news from the Pakistani region.
Canada Day: A Glimpse at Urban Canada and Evangel.
Today is July 1, Canada Day! So, Happy Canada Day to all of my Canadian brothers and sisters. Over the past several years, I have found myself traveling everywhere from Newfoundland to Vancouver–and nearly ended up in Nunavut…. Needless, to say,Read more…
Chab Dai Advocacy 4 Action Pack
Chab Dai’s Advocacy 4 Action packs focus on mobilizing communities around the globe to advocate for an end to human trafficking, abuse and exploitation LOCALLY.Read more…