New Indian book on generosity

At the May 2015 Generosity summit at Hyderabad India a brand new book is being released with refreshing perspectives on the spirit of generosity as a mindset and a lifestyle. “We’re All Game Changers” weaves together engaging stories and real-life anecdotes withRead more…

Extravagant Generosity: Planning Kit

Stewardship programs rise or fall on their ability to do two things: first, provide church leaders easy-to-grasp yet comprehensive help in planning and implementing the program; and second, connect stewardship to the spiritual lives of all the members. Plenty ofRead more…

Genius of Generosity book information

Chip’s Ingram book ’The Genius of Generosity’ ( is a powerful tool to help small groups engage in purposeful generosity and help them make the connection between money and discipleship. It will help them see that Jesus talked a lot aboutRead more…

Children in Church and Mission: A Bibliography

We have compiled this Bibliography for pastors, leaders, Bible colleges and all who are interested in children. It provides a starting point for understanding the role of children in Scripture, in the Church and in Mission. It also identifies someRead more…

What a Plastic Donut Taught Me About Giving

Autumn Joy toddled across the room and stood at the edge of my laptop-centered view. I was in task mode, typing away in my living room recliner. With Shirley Temple curls bouncing around her face, my eighteen-month-old daughter looked upRead more…

A Proposal about Books for Young Theologians

                We have to be thankful to some of our fellow Christian leaders like John Piper, William Lane Craig and Ravi Zacharias and many more that generously offer their resource materials freely online. It is, indeed, one of our greatestRead more…