
New Scientist talks to Aubrey de Grey, Nick Bostrom and Anders Sandberg about how we could become immortal.

Who Has the Words of Eternal Life?

Danielle Egan over at the New Scientist writes about Transvision 2007 in her piece, ‘ Death Special: The plan for eternal life‘. Many of the transhumanist ‘regulars’ showed up for Transvision 2007, the ninth annual meeting of the World Transhumanist Association (WTA) whichRead more…

My Sister’s Savior

What does it say about a society which permits, no, which condones the use of medicine and technology for the sole purpose of creating human life just to destroy it?  It says we are a culture that has morally andRead more…

The Dignity of Humankind

Each year, the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network, gives the Paul Ramsey Award.  The recipients of the Paul Ramsey Award demonstrate exemplary achievement in the field of bioethics by actively equipping our society to face the challenges of theRead more…