This article looks carefully at the biblical interaction and communication between believers and their church leaders. The focus of this study is Hebrews 13:17, a verse that seems self-explanatory. However, we are digging into God’s Word for hidden treasure, andRead more…
A Clear and Very Present Word
Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. It is not up in heaven, so that you have to ask, “Who will ascend into heaven to get it and proclaim itRead more…
It Is Written
It Is Written “It is written: ’Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Matt 4:4 “Here I stand. I can do no other. May God help me. Amen.” MartinRead more…
The Reliable Bible
THE RELIABLE BIBLE “The spades of a thousand over the centuries have not discredited the truth of Scripture nor has the turned-over earth proven the Bible to be untrue.” Harold Lindsell There is a distinguished professor of religious studies whoRead more…
First things first … and last – the authority of Scripture today
This paper seeks to rearticulate the authoirty of the Bible in an accessible and relevant way (aimed originally for university undergraduates). The Bible has come under many renewed attacks in the last few decades which have undermined many Christians’ confidenceRead more…
Howell Harris and the Birth of Modern Evangelism – one way of responding to Menna Machreth Jones
The Restoration of Mass Evangelistic Meetings was a Welsh Innovation After the rediscovery of Justification by Faith and the key doctrine of the New Birth the genius of the 18th Century Awakening was outdoor evangelistic preaching! That may not soundRead more…
Approachability: The Passport to Real Ministry and Leadership
Approachability: The Passport to Real Ministry and Leadership by Ken Sande, President of Peacemaker Ministries Craig was well-equipped for teaching God’s Word. He was committed to Christ, thoroughly educated, solid in his doctrine, well read, loved to study Scripture, andRead more…
Original Authority
3 Scenes: The Garden, The Wilderness, and The Cross.Read more…