Globalization and migration have brought religious pluralism—something that Asians have lived with for millennia—to the West. Singaporean theologian Mark Chan mines his experience as an Asian believer to help Christians everywhere evangelize those who have been blinded by the fallaciesRead more…
Goodnight Red Light
The world has forgotten the victims of trafficking, but God hasn’t.Read more…
Poverty Unlocked Podcast
This podcast discusses the Biblical response to poverty.Read more…
Tears of the Saints
1625 Children were forced to live on the streets1667 Children died from malnutrition or diseases115 Children became prostitutes257 Children were orphaned because of HIV/AIDSRead more…
What is DTJ?
Learn about the vision and work of Discover The Journey in less than 60 seconds!Read more…
Discover The Journey
What is Discover The Journey? Learn about our work in less than 60 seconds.Read more…