This link is to a video which was prepared by the 4/14 Window Global Initiative. The 4/14 Window refers to the demographic group from age four to fourteen years old, which it is argued is the most open and receptiveRead more…
Produced for the Lausanne Movement’s Cape Town Congress in 2010 for use as an advocacy tool, this video highlights the encouraging things that God is doing amongst children today and also poses a challenge for the church about making childrenRead more…
Aim Lower video
The Aim Lower viral video was produced by the Global Children’s Forum in order to help communicate and popularise some of the key conclusions of the 2004 Lausanne Occasional Paper 18 (The Evangelization of Children). It presents the challenge ofRead more…
A Tribute to Chuck Colson
A tribute to Chuck Colson who stood strong for the Gospel and the sanctity of life. LinksRemembering Chuck Colson ( More about Joni and Friends (
Promise and the Gospel of Well-being
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Joel Edwards as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Wealth, Poverty and Power: Effectively Responding through the Global and Local Church.”Read more…
Promise and the Gospel of Well-being
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Joel Edwards as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Wealth, Poverty and Power: Effectively Responding through the Global and Local Church.”Read more…
An Introduction to Advocacy : Training Guide
The Guide should be useful to people in all sectors who wish to improve policies andprograms through advocacy.
Practical action in advocacy (Advocacy Toolkit)
The Introduction gives an overview of the planning process and what a Summary Advocacy Strategy may look like. The following sections tackle each of the five parts of the planning cycle in detail. Part C consists mainly of tools toRead more…
Understanding Advocacy (Advocacy Toolkit)
The Toolkit reflects Tearfund’s latest thinking on advocacy, to help Tearfund partners andother organisations become more involved in advocacy work. The aim is to help them tosee the relevance of advocacy for their work, and to equip them with skillsRead more…
Footsteps : Speaking Out (Footsteps (Tearfund))
This article is an inforative resource in relatoin to Advocacy and Human Trafficking.