I am quite drawn to this “Scarcity vs. Abundance Management” chart, which I’ve replicated from a recent Wired Magazine article, on how people environments work differently when they perceive themselves to be working in Scarcity as opposed to Abundance. Read more…
We can afford to be generous
7inShare Is generosity a risky venture? Can we afford to be generous? Is there enough to go around? Enough for everyone to have their fair share? Enough for all seven billion of us? The human condition is hauntedRead more…
King David on the Heart of Christian Stewardship
We live amid unprecedented economic prosperity, and with the promise of globalization and the continued expansion of opportunity and exchange, such prosperity is bound to grow. Yet if we’re to retain and share these blessings, such gifts need to beRead more…
Partnerships: Scarcity-minded or Abundance-minded?
I am quite drawn to this “Scarcity vs. Abundance Management” chart, which I’ve replicated from a recent Wired Magazine article, on how people environments work differently when they perceive themselves to be working in Scarcity as opposed to Abundance. Read more…
Partnerships: Scarcity-minded or Abundance-minded?
I am quite drawn to this “Scarcity vs. Abundance Management” chart, which I’ve replicated from a recent Wired Magazine article, on how people environments work differently when they perceive themselves to be working in Scarcity as opposed to Abundance. Read more…