Topical Memory System
If you want to memorize Scripture, but aren’t sure what to memorize or how, this system is exactly what you need to begin hiding God’s word in your heart.
From its beginnings, has encouraged Bible memorization as an important tool for spiritual growth. The ministry (The Navigators) has developed packets of verse cards to enable people to learn verses that will help them share their faith and become more like Christ. These cards are grouped by subject or “topic” and comprise what we call the Topical Memory System. The following article references these topics in its suggestions for effective memorization.
As you start to memorize a verse . . .
- Read in your Bible the context of each verse you memorize.
- Try to gain a clear understanding of what each verse actually means. You may want to read the verse in other Bible translations or paraphrases or perhaps consult a commentary-after you’ve done your personal study!
- Read the verse through several times thoughtfully, aloud or in a whisper. This will help you grasp the verse as a whole. Each time you read it, say the topic, reference, verse, and then the reference again.
- Discuss the verse with God in prayer, and continue to seek His help for success in Scripture memory.
While you are memorizing the verse . . .
- Work on saying the verse aloud as much as possible.
- Learn the topic and reference first.
- After learning the topic and reference, learn the first phrase of the verse. Once you have learned the topic, reference, and the first phrase and have repeated them several times, continue adding more phrases after you can quote correctly what you have already learned.
- Think about how the verse applies to you and your daily circumstances.
- Always include the topic and reference as part of the verse as you learn and review it.
After you can quote correctly the topic, reference, verse, and reference again . . .
- Writing the verse out can be helpful. This deepens the impression in your mind.
- Find a friend to check you on the verse. Better yet, memorize together!
- Review the verse immediately after learning it, and repeat it frequently in the next few days. This is crucial for fixing the verse firmly in your mind because of the tendency to forget something recently learned.
- Review! Review! Review! Repetition is the best way to engrave the verses on your memory.
Here are a few verse you can start with…
LIVE THE NEW LIFEChrist the Center2 Corinthians 5:17Galatians 2:20Obedience to ChristRomans 12:1John 14:21The Word2 Timothy 3:16Joshua 1:8PrayerJohn 15:7Philippians 4:6,7FellowshipMatthew 18:20Hebrews 10:24,25WitnessingMatthew 4:19Romans 1:16
PROCLAIM CHRISTAll Have SinnedRomans 3:23Isaiah 53:6Sin’s PenaltyRomans 6:23Hebrews 9:27Christ Paid the PenaltyRomans 5:81 Peter 3:18Salvation is not by WorksEphesians 2:8,9Titus 3:5Must Receive ChristJohn 1:12Revelation 3:20Assurance of Salvation1 John 5:13John 5:24
RELY ON GOD’S RESOURCESHis Spirit1 Corinthians 3:161 Corinthians 2:12His StrengthIsaiah 41:10Philippians 4:13His FaithfulnessLamentations 3:22,23Numbers 23:19His PeaceIsaiah 26:31 Peter 5:7His ProvisionRomans 8:32Philippians 4:19His Help in TemptationHebrews 2:18Psalms 119:9,11
BE CHRIST’S DISCIPLEPut Christ FirstMatthew 6:33Luke 9:23Separate From the World1 John 2:15,16Romans 12:2Be Steadfast1 Corinthians 15:58Hebrews 12:3Serve OthersMark 10:452 Corinthians 4:5Give GenerouslyProverbs 3:9,102 Corinthians 9:6,7Develop World VisionActs 1:8Matthew 28:19,20
GROW IN CHRISTLIKENESSLoveJohn 13:34,351 John 3:18HumilityPhilippians 2:3,41 Peter 5:5,6PurityEphesians 5:31 Peter 2:11HonestyLeviticus 19:11Acts 24:16FaithHebrews 11:6Romans 4:20,21Good WorksGalatians 6:9,10Matthew 5:16
To learn more about the Nagigators and their Topical Memory System, visit: