NDIA, is one of the most challenging Missions’ destination in the world and the freedom to reach this great nation for Jesus Christ is always a difficult task. One knows how hundreds of missions and churches are engaged to bring this nation, under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. More than 100 billion people live in this great land and tragically only 5% or less are Christians of all denominations. The task continues and will continue till Jesus has returned!
Bethel is part of this great endeavor to which Jesus Has called us to go to the poor, rural people in South India, with ministries of Compassion and show the unreached and the lest reached villagers and people groups, that Jesus Christ is the Lord and He will rule.
Why Are we here? What are our credentials? And what are we doing? are some of the questions, that we would like to answer.
1. We are basically here to mobilize, God’s people, mission agencies, churches, Para
church organizations, and challenge them to pray, volunteer, support and partner
with Bethel’s Endeavors.
2. We are here, to shed some light on Indian Missions and wipe away, a kind of false notion and impression, that Indians are not trust worthy and Indian Churches must be self supported. This may be rarely true in some cases and not the whole truth. Many Indians are as saintly as other saints around the world and are very faithflu and accountable stewards of the Lord.
All the main line, denominational churches, in India were pioneered by over seas missions agencies. And these agencies, invested in schools, colleges, technical Institutions, medical colleges and hospitals. NATURALLY, THE REVENUE EARNED THROUGH THESE, paves way for self survival. Most of the members of these churches are, well educated, employed and give to the church bountifully. And they are self supported and they are accomplishing greater things for the Lord Jesus. They are all in big, elite Cosmopolitan cities.
But, HUNDREDS of Missions like Bethel, are new and exist in remote rural villages and have none of above the possessions or institutes or salaried people congregation to self support. EVERY SINGLE MEMBER IS A NEW CONVERT ANDTHIS INCLUDES THE PASTORS AND EVANGELISTS. Many of them are house churches, with 10 members to 100 members. The members are poor daily labourers. The members do give but in small amounts, which is quiet insufficient for a pastor to survive. It will task many years, for the members, the future generation to get good jobs and to self support the local church.
And we expect, God’s people to stand with this new venture, as a farmer will, erect a stick by the tender plant; till the plant is deep rooted and self sustained.
As the Body of Christ, we are members of this great body along with you! And my appeal is pray for the activities of Bethel and extend a hand of support, always remembering that YOU ARE EXTENDING IT TO JESUS CHRIST.