WHO Vitamin A Distribution Guide

List of Chapters:

1.  What do we know about Vitamin A deficiency?

2.  How can Vitamin A deficiency be prevented?

3.  What do we know about Vitamin A supplementation?

4.  Should National Immunization Days (NIDs) be the only immunization contact to give Vitamin A?

5.  Should women be give Vitamin A supplements during NIDs?

6.  What are the most common problems encoutered in distributing Vitamin A supplements during NIDs?

7.  Who is the targe group for Vitamin A during NIDs?

8.  When and how often should Vitamin A be given during the NIDs?

9.  During NIDs, is it necessary to screen for previous doses of Vitamin A?

10.  What is the correct dose of Vitamin A to give during NIDs?

11.  How to calculate the number of Vitamin capsules and doses required?

12.  How should Vitamin A be administered and recorded?

13.  Is Vitamin A safe and will it interfere with polio vaccine?

14.  What does Vitamin A cost, how should supplies be handled, how can supplies be obtained?

15.  Are there any special requirements for adding Vitamin A to NIDs?

16.  What are the additional budget costs for including Vitamin A?