Westmont College Chapel

The Rev. Ben Patterson, Campus Pastor, has been the Senior Pastor of Westmont for the past seven years. A contributing editor to Christianity Today and the Leadership Journal, he has written several books: Serving God (The Grand Essentials), Waiting, Deepening Your Conversation with God, and a Prayer Devotional Bible. His most recent current work, which was released in February, 2005, is entitled He Has Made Me Glad.

Ben spent six years as Dean of the Chapel at Hope College in Holland, Michigan, where attendance at the voluntary chapel program grew from 50 students to more than 1,000.

Previously, he was senior pastor for two congregations, and was the founding pastor of Irvine Presbyterian Church in Irvine, Calif. As Campus Pastor, one of his goals is seeking revival and spiritual awakening in the church and in society. Ben and his wife have three sons and a daughter.