The Residue of Compromise

Have you ever noticed in the book of Acts how the power of the Holy Spirit transformed beyond the boundaries of humankind?  The power of the Holy Spirit exceeded the human expectations that were nurtured and developed because of cultural constraints.  For example, the Spirit of the Lord navigated various cultural norms formulated for generations by engaging differences such as the gender roles of male and female, and racial lines drawn between Jew and Gentile.  The Spirit of the Lord proactively established measurable goals and developed new expectations by embracing the diversity of mankind.  Members of the early church movement witnessed and participated in the unprecedented demonstrations of Yahweh’s perfect will for the nations.  Meanwhile, God’s glory manifested in the earth and demonstrated his power through the unity of man, compromise began to surface and taint the early movement. 

Members of the movement began to adapt limitations of the Roman household code.  In other words, women, children, and slaves should proceed according and embrace their secondary role in society.  The Church in the United States ignored the teachings of Apostle Paul concerning the oneness in Christ and had the ardascity to use Paul’s name to supplant the household code into the Christian movement.  For example, “Slaves obey your master,” is a text that angers me in some ways.

Today, we are in the midst of similar social turmoil in the United States concerning the legalization of same sex marriages.  It is very disturbing to see many churches eagerness and willingness to conduct services for same sex unions.  I’m convinced the church just like the early movement will need to seek the Holy Spirits leading and guidance in approaching same sex communities with the balance of sensitively and the integrity of Yahweh’s word.  I think if we are daring to maintain our focus on the mission of God’s heart that our love will encourage people to desire to maximize it’s potential in Christ.   

The church will need to embrace the ability to emphasize the intimate nature of God while actively engaging same sex unbelievers without the constraints of formality. 

In other words, we will need to evaluate our error of magnifying certain sin over other sin.  The Church will have to be dedicated to being an agent of change within our community, by mobilizing, and building up all individuals in the reality of Gods love.  We can no longer promote the residue of compromise because it would be detrimental to our witness.