What is a Giving Champion?

Giving Champion is the term we use for those who are advocates or “champions” for the Biblical message of generosity.

We recently talked with Todd Harper to hear his story and learn more about what it means to be a Giving Champion.

GG: You’ve been involved with Generous Giving for more than 8 years. How did you become an advocate for the biblical message of generosity?

TH: Because I personally need this message so much! Money has been a core issue in my own spiritual journey. From a young age I wanted to be rich. In high school I owned my own business and even had my securities license at age 18. As a freshman in college I felt specifically challenged by the Lord to lay down my future and be willing to do whatever He would have for me rather than follow my own plan for my life. That brought the money thing to a head. I surrendered my life fully to Christ. Eventually that decision led me into vocational ministry serving overseas. But even in ministry, I wanted to be a wealthy missionary. I invested, bought real estate, and was always looking for deals and ways to make money. I was interested in laying up treasure on earth alongside the treasures in heaven. I still had a divided heart.

Years later I was given a book by a close friend entitled “Money, Possessions and Eternity,” by Randy Alcorn. His writing gripped me. The main idea that true life is about living with an eternal perspective and giving generously just made sense. It is a journey, but I’ve personally experienced a growing freedom from the allure of money and wealth. I often say the primary motivation for my work with Generous Giving is not the liberation of resources, but the liberation of people. When people are liberated, resources are liberated exponentially.

GG: So who qualifies to be a Giving Champion?

TH: Anyone can be a Giving Champion. A Giving Champion is simply a person who is increasingly experiencing the joy of giving in their own life and is motivated to share that with others. Many Giving Champions would identify the gift of giving as a primary spiritual gift. Influencing others with the message of generosity may be another expression of their gift of giving. Frequently, Giving Champions report a sense of purposefulness in using their gifts to encourage others on their Giving Journey (SM).

GG: What does a Giving Champion do?

TH: Well, let me first say it’s not about how much money you have to give away. It’s about your heart and your motivation. There are many ways a Giving Champion can influence others with the message of generosity. You could give away a book, invite a friend to a Generous Giving event, take your family on a mission trip, be an advocate for generosity in your church, share your giving journey at a conference or with a friend over lunch, or creatively influence your business to be more generous.

Another thing Giving Champions do is spend time with others who share their enthusiasm for giving. There is great energy and creativity when Champions get together. It is exciting to see a growing number of Giving Champions influencing their spheres of influence and spurring one another on to do so more and more.

GG: How can someone learn more about becoming a Champion?

TH: The best way to learn is to engage on your own journey. We’ve developed a self diagnostic tool to help you discern where you are on your journey with suggested next steps. You can download the tool from our website and individually assess where you are in your journey.

As mentioned above, community with others in this journey is critical. If you are interested in connecting with someone in your area, we would love to facilitate a relationship with a Giving Champion. We are here as an organization to help engage, encourage and equip those who want to influence others to be more generous. 

For more information please email [email protected] or call (407) 650-3663.