Cadoshology (< Heb. (Kadosh) קָדוֹשׁ, “holy“, and gr. Λογία (logia), “science“) designed by a Servant of God on inspiration of the Holy Spirit, could it not be that science of the holy ones announced in the Old Testament?
Indeed, your servant, namely, Rev. Dr Jeannot N’GORAN, Lecturer in Christian Ethics, Literary and Linguistic training, with great skill Etymologist and making him a Lexicographer (Lexicography, Science of Dictionary) is perfectly a master in the use of words in Modern Western Languages. All this comes from his knowledge and teachings of Classical Biblical Languages (Hebrew, Greek, Latin), from Old French (Ancient French), one of the borrowing sources of Old English (Example: leisir, ombrelle in Ancient French finished up giving respectively leisure, “loisir” and umbrella, “parapluie” in Old and modern English) .
He knows the story of the evolution of languages sometimes from the Ancient Hebrew into the Ancient Greek, from Greek to the Classical Latin and from the Classical to the Recent Latin (Roman Language). Roman Language evolves and gives rise to the Ancient French (or Ancient/Old English), followed by the Middle French, the Classical French, the Modern French and finally, we speak of the Postmodern French today.
Wanting to put all this giftedness (being gifted) available to the Body of Christ, he has developed a biblical science of the Holy One or of the holy ones from his ability to penetrate the Scriptures not downstream, but upstream. Translating the Holy Texts that we already have, all the Bible Translators were sometimes faced with problems that require Literary and Linguistic idioms (< Lat. idioma, “language“). They are called in this way, expressions linked up to a particular people culture. Some terms related to culture such as language speaking people fail in or betray the Biblical Thought of origin because the object in question does not exist nowhere in the culture of the targeted-people of the Gospel; let alone, the existence of a ready-made expression to designate. If such an expression exists in the targeted-people, then there would be a literal translation as simple as possible word. However, as the object does not exist anywhere in the culture of other people, the language in which it expresses has no proper linguistic term for this reality. Thus, the word has no direct equivalent in the host language must designate with an approximate expression, in other words, an expression more or less remote meaning. More sense away, the more we move away from the truth of the facts, the truthful source to go to an uncertain destination, the resulting truncated truth ultimately cannot really set free anyone who needs to know the Genuine One to be set free as the Scriptures say (John 8/32).
So, to keep on intact the originality of the biblical information expressed by the different versions of the Bible, your servant avoids expressions arising following to translated Texts, entering himself in the original versions of the Classical Biblical Hebrew and Greek to highlight the compelling elements which will lay the foundations of the science he wants everyone looks like the Holy Bible science. Isn’t this passage from the Book of Proverbs 30/3-4 of the Old Testament worded as follows?
“I have neither learned wisdom, nor have I knowledge of the Holy One” [NIV]. Who has gone up to heaven and come down? Who has gathered up the wind in the hollow of his hands? Who has wrapped up the waters in his cloak? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and the name of his son? Tell me if you know!” Could Cadoshology (<hebr. (kāḏôsh) קָדוֹשׁ, “holy”, and from gr. λογία (logia), “science”) not be this very science of the Holy One announced in the Old Testament (<hebr. (ḇeḏahath keḏśîm) םקְדשׁיִ תוְדַעַ,“science of the Holy One or of the holy ones or of the holy things”, from gr. γνω̃̃σιν ‛αγίων (g-nôsin haguiôn), “knowledge or science of the Holy One”, [Septuagint], and from lat. sanctum scientiam, “science of the Holy One”, [Vulgate], etc.) ? Etc.
We built the General Theory of Biblical Holiness on the Guiding Principles of Holiness and Scientific Laws erected from the Bible.
However, we do not want to do a kind of confusion between the Principles of biblical science of Holiness and the Foundations of biblical science of Holiness.
In accurate Science or even in Philosophy, confusion between these two concepts leads to vagaries and becomes intellectually fatal. We would like to raise the corner of the veil so that the shadows are lit. Spirituality also does not mean to foster confusion and vagueness in the minds to be enlightened to be currently saved by simple conviction or assurance of salvation.
The basic Principles of Cadoshology, as science, are the logical starting points that are not necessarily the truth, but rather, are a choice made from a consensus, an agreement as in Mathematics and why a given result is expected.
The Principles of Cadoshology are proposals raised as starting points of the system of Holiness, and that the human mind will admit that because they serve to organize acts of Holiness and unify their consequences.
The biblical Foundations of Cadoshology are instead, meanwhile, which proves the existence of self-evident truths having a value of authority which the human mind will adhere without hesitation.
So, to choose the principles of science such as the Principle of Ummediatorunicity in Cadoshology, we can only do so on a foundation, and the Foundation of this principle is the existence of prior or display obvious truths that make people adhere easily without a shadow of a doubt.
Here’s, for example, the Principle of Holiness that we call in biblical science Principle of Ummediatorunicity:
Ummediatorunique (<Lat. unus, “one only”, Mediator, “Mediator”, unius, “of one only”, genitive of unus, “one only”), who is the only one Mediator and Mediator of just one party.
The last-mentioned word does not open the way neither to confusion nor to discussion and therefore, cannot lose he who is willing to be saved. We see clearly here that Jesus is God Himself, He who intervened in or intermediated between Himself, the Creator and His creatures. None of the creatures can play this role as such without failing in or without showing favoritism. To put an end to any supputation, we insist on the fact that He should be at the same time as the Unique Mediator and Mediator of uniqueness. Both of the above-mentioned conditions should be fullfiled before any of all these false religions could have the True Holiness as spiritual foundation of a Religion of salvation.
“‛Ο δέ μεσίτης ενὸς ου̉κ ’έστιν, ‛ο δέ Θεός είς ’εστιν.” Γαλατας 3:20
“mediator autem unius non est Deus autem unus.” Galatas 3:20, Vulgate.
“A mediator, however, does not represent just one party; but God is one.” Galatians 3:20, NIV version
“Or, le médiateur n’est pas médiateur d’un seul, tandis que Dieu est un seul.” Galates 3:20, Louis Second.
“Or un médiateur n’est pas [médiateur] d’un seul ; mais Dieu est un seul.” Galates 3:20, Darby.
The general idea of these obvious truths is summed up in this small part. God in His Infinite Wisdom knew that if He really wants people to be saved from the Sin issues, they should be managed by Him Alone without involving anyone. That is why He did not see fit to use, be it even, one of His creatures, thinking or not, apparently credible as the direct intermediary between the He Him, the Creator and other creatures. Imagine, even if God did not empower chap decide our fate [sors, sortis, “fate, lot, spell” in Latin, from which derives “sorcery or sorcerer”], here are those who usurp this very Divine Right are the makers of our spells called naively by ignorant people, sorcerers. And if God has deceived a little bit to empower anyone in the Final Spell [Doomsday] Him that He Alone is reserved, who can be saved? Who?
The Principle above was built on the foundations or self-evident truths of the Bible that we will display in the following seven (7) points:
1- “But, O LORD Almighty, You Who Judge Righteously (…)”, Jer. 11/20
2- “You are to be holy to me because I, the LORD, am Holy (…)”, Lev. 20/26
3- “The LORD said to me, “This gate is to remain shut. It must not be opened; no-one may enter through it. It is to remain shut because the LORD, the God of Israel, has entered through it. (…)”, Eze. 44/2
4- “(…) LORD, show us the Father (…) Jesus answered: I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. (…) Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me (…) that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. (…)”, Jn 14/8, 9,11 et 17/21
5- “Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them”, Heb. 7/25
6- “The LORD Alone led him [His people]; no foreign god was with Him”, Deut. 32/12
7- “If God places no trust in his servants, if he charges his angels with error, how much more those who live in houses of clay, whose foundations are in the dust (…)”, Job 4:18-19
Note: All of the 7 points are NIV version.