The Generosity Gameplan – Step 1: Explore your heart and history

For our generosity to be effective in the world and meaningful to us as givers, I am convinced that we must give from our heart’s desire. By that, I mean two things:

  • Your desire for connection: For a sense of interdependence and belonging, for company and conversation, to know that you are loved and loving.
  • Your passion for creating a certain kind of change: Your compassion for a particular group of people or some aspect of the planet that emerges from your personal connections and experiences.

Step 1 is to explore your heart and history. For many of us raised in families where faith was a pillar of generosity, it may seem odd to begin our giving strategy by thinking about ourselves. Isn’t generosity about the needs of others and not our own?

Yet, as human beings who are hard-wired for connection, there is a real value in connecting with our true selves. There is nothing selfish about knowing your heart so well that you are able to give from a place of deep personal meaning. When our giving feels disconnected from who we are and what we’ve done, we risk feeling alienated from those we give to.

In Step 1, ask yourself the question, “Where has my generous heart been?”

Exercise: Explore your most impactful life experiences

Write down the 10 most impactful experiences of your life. Consider experiences that have been positive, leaving you feeling passionate and excited for the possibilities.

  • What moments altered the course of your life for the better?
  • How and by whom were you supported in these moments?
  • What circumstances needed to be in place for these moments to occur?

Also consider experiences that have been challenging.

  • What moments seemed to alter the course of your life for the worse?
  • What support or circumstances helped you through?

What does this have to do with generosity? Think about each of the experiences you listed compared to your present situation. Are you drawn to create similar experiences that build others up or help those who may be facing similar challenges?

For the time being, you only need to collect and consider this information. As you go through the next steps in the Generosity Gameplan process, new patterns and directions will begin to emerge.

John Stanley

[email protected]