INTERFAITH DIALOGUE: N’Zεbu Nuanwlε, Jesus the Truth’s other name, known, acknowledged and believed of Baulee people in Cote d’Ivoire.

while recognizing to God His Sovereignty related to His Grace of Salvation, do no longer accept to include another faith within the Salvation of God in Christ. Among these ones, we can find moral (The World Council of Churches) and Physical (Newbigin) persons.
 In 1992,
the San Antonio statement World Council of Churches
Newbigin, another Theologian abounds in the same sense as this statement of San Antonio: “We may not set limits to God’s grace, but at the same time we must reject an inclusivism that regards other religions as instruments for salvation in a Christian sense”.

    This exclusivist vision is swept away by the inclusivist ones such as the Theologians Karl Rahner and Dr Knud Jorgensen.

    For Karl Rahner, non-Christian religions are seen as means through which God’s salvation in Christ will reach those who have not been reached by the Gospel.

   This inclusivist understanding is equally shared by Dr Knud Jorgensen, Associate Professor at the Norwayan School of T heology:”So I am committed to believing that every part of the created world and every human being is already related to Jesus (…) Everything was made through the Logos [the Word that was made flesh], he is the life of all, and he is the light that gives light to every person. The presence and work of Jesus are not confined within the area where he is acknowledged.

In every human being is not only a moral consciousness (Romans 2:14-15), but also a religious consciousness”.

In fact, the oral dialogued-story of the myth of N’Zebu the Truth, god of truth, object of faith with Baulee people, entitled ’N’ZEbu NuanwlE, Jesus the Truth’s other name, known, acknowledged and believed of Baulee people in Cote d’Ivoire’, passes from orality to writing just to have Jesus the Truth known, honored by this same people without being known from it as the Apostle Paul was saying about the Athenian people:”



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