Protect Your Marriage from Divorce

I’m engaged to a beautiful and godly young lady. Spending the rest of my life with her is more than I could have hoped or dreamed for. Still, the possibility of divorce scares me. What can we do to avoid this tragedy?

That question has many answers, but let me give you what I consider to be the foundation–the cornerstone–on which your entire relationship should be constructed. It is the establishment of a Christ-centered home. When newlyweds are deeply committed to Jesus Christ, they enjoy many advantages over families with no spiritual dimension.

This means, among other things, that you and your fiancee need to develop a meaningful prayer life even before the wedding. Commit your home, your relationship, your future children if God grants them to you, and your entire lives to His purposes. My wife, Shirley, and I did that, and the time we have spent on our knees has been the stabilizing factor throughout nearly forty years of marriage. In good times, in hard times, in moments of anxiety, and in periods of praise we have shared this wonderful privilege of talking directly to our heavenly Father. What a concept! No appointment is needed to enter into His presence. We don’t have to go through His subordinates or bribe His secretaries. He is simply there whenever we bow before Him. Some of the highlights of my relationship with Shirley have occurred in these quiet sessions we’ve shared with the Lord.

The second dimension to a Christ-centered home is a regular time set aside to study the Scriptures and apply them to everyday life. By reading this inspired and holy Word, we are given a “window” into the mind of the Lord. What an incredible resource! He created the vast reaches of the universe by simply speaking the heavens into being. This same God has also provided us with the secrets to healthy family life. After all, marriage and parenthood were His ideas, and He has told us how to live together in peace and harmony. Everything from handling money to sexual attitudes to the discipline of children is discussed in Scripture, with each prescription bearing the personal endorsement of the King of the universe. Why would anyone disregard this ultimate resource?

Finally, the Christian life lends stability to marriage because its principles and values naturally produce harmony between people. When put into action, Christian teaching emphasizes giving to others, self-discipline, obedience to divine commandments, conformity to the law, and love between a husband and wife. It is a shield against addictions to alcohol, pornography, gambling, materialism, infidelity, and other behaviors that could be damaging to the relationship.

Is it any wonder that a Christ-centered relationship is the ground floor of the stable family? If you and your fiancee build your marriage on that solid foundation, you will not face the bitter fruit of divorce. So go for it. My wife and I will be waiting for you at the finish line.