There are an increasing number of publications (books, articles, papers) on Business as Mission, BAM. Many are authored by Westerners from a Western perspective and these contributions are good and helpful. But it is not a fair reflection of the global BAM movement, since probably most practitioners and many thought leaders are non-Westerners or run BAM businesses in the Arab world and Asia.
Thus it was a joy to be a special editor for the BAM issue of the Connections Journal two years ago and invite friends and colleagues from all over the world to contribute. The journal contains articles on Business as Mission from thought leaders and practitioners from Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and North America
The articles include:
- Case Study on BAM SME from Korea to Other Parts of Asia. Joseph Lee
- Restoring People, Changing Businesses, Transforming Societies – A Case Study from Indonesia. Julian Foe
- The Challenges and Opportunities For Business As Mission: A Perspective From Africa. Dennis Tongoi
- Bossa Nova, the “Beautiful Game” and Business as Mission (A Brazilian Perspective). João Mordomo
- Larger-Sized Business as Mission (BAM) Companies. (Chinese Perspectives) Dwight Nordstrom & Vince Liang
- Why Is Bangladesh Poor and Taiwan Rich? Mats Tunehag & Peter Shaukat
- Business as Mission: Towards a Biblical and Practical Theology of Work and Business. Bridget Adams
- Church, Missions and Business: Roles, Responsibilities, Tension and Synergies. Peter Shaukat
- Human Trafficking: Business as Prevention and Restoration. Jennifer Roemhildt Tunehag
- Ten Principles: BAM in areas of Prostitution and Trafficking. Annie Dieselberg
- The Experiment in Integrated Mission – Business, Mission, and Social Transformation. Trev Gregory
- The Mission of Business: CSR+. Mats Tunehag
- Chickens, computers, and steel parts – Why business-based ministry is so effective. Matt in Asia
- The Business as Mission Manifesto
You can find these articles here:
Mats Tunehag