So what does the term workplace evangelism bring to your mind? Is it a good thought or bad? Do you think the mention of it drives people away or draws them toward a relationship with the Savior? Maybe the words themselves don’t do anything. My belief is this: it is our attitude, approach and conduct that turns people off from having a relationship with Jesus Christ. Aren’t we to blame when those outside Christianity see the actions of intolerance, bigotry and elitism expressed toward those both in and out of Christian circles, rather than the mercy, love and acceptance of Jesus Christ? Can we hardly blame others when they see the hypocritical Christian say they believe one thing yet do, or say, just the opposite? Who should people in conditions of want blame when groups of so called believers only throw money toward meeting their need but will not take their personal time to actually correct the conditions that brought about the need in the first place? Who is at fault when those in the workplace seek real answers to the real problems of life and only run into the would-be Christian who appears to have an answer for everything but only comes up with empty utterances? So how do we deal with the Bible-toting believer, who means well but is obnoxious and offensive? Who should be held responsible there? More important than the blame game is the question: how do we as believers recover an already damaged reputation of trust within the workplace? I believe it is not too late to rebuild our integrity within the work community. In the rebuilding process, well-meaning Christians must be discipled in the basics, taught work environment etiquette, and shown how to build real relationships with fellow workers.
For Christians the ABC’s of work is all About being humble, Buying into Godly character and Communicating what you believe. Humility in the workplace allows the believer to establish a personal relationship with others. Godly character gives the Christian worker credibility within the workplace. Our responsibility, as we establish lines of communication with others and build trust, is to be available to share how Christ has changed our life and leads us through life’s changing conditions, when asked. This then is ministry! Our lives develop into ministry as we accomplish our work to the best of our ability (Romans 12:1[1])(MSG); Proverbs 22:29, 27:18), rally around others through their struggles (Galatians 6:2), make it easier for others to focus on their specific God given task in life (Jeremiah 29:11), meet the needs of the poor, elderly, widows and orphans (James 1:27), and finally keep the local body of Christ informed as to how and in what way they can assist (Acts 15:12, 21:17). It is also important for a Christian to know what they believe, before they begin to express what they believe, to those who do not believe (Ephesians4:29). As stated earlier, too often well-meaning Christians state what they believe in ways offensive toward others, pushing them away from a point of salvation or just souring them on Christianity as an ideology. For the Christian, work has to be about setting a personal Godly example in the work environment. We know that God established the idea of work (Genesis 1:1–2:2), He ordained it (Genesis 2:5, 15 (MSG)), and He has given Godly purpose in work (Psalm 127:2). Here lies the problem, in the twenty-first century we believers seem to have a serious disconnect between what happens on Sunday and how it applies Monday through Saturday.
We have failed to see the opportunities before us at work! It is important to build relationships with fellow workers (Ecclesiastes 4:12; Colossians 3:13) in order to understand their non-verbal cues in times of need or personal crisis so we can be there to minister to them (Galatians 6:2). We should seek out other workplace believers in order to network with them for fellowship, mutual encouragement, and cooperative prayer. We should be producing quality work (Romans 12:1; Proverbs 22:29, 27:18) and managing both our personal and professional time (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) in order to earn the right to be heard by fellow employees and even managers and bosses. We can also find ministry opportunities even in difficult situations. Many of us have been unsuccessful at recognizing the personal motivation found in failure, disappointment or trials. Out of these events come the circumstances that give rise to our greatest opportunities to share personal encouragement and testify to the glory & goodness of God! Therefore we should not look at them with fear and anxiety. These situations come into everyone’s life sooner or later. As Christians we must face them with humbleness (Isaiah 66:2), hope (Romans 5:3-5), obedience to the Word (Hebrews 5:8), joy (James 1:2-4) and prayer (James5:16; 1 Peter 4:7). Throughout all this our conduct should be appropriate and beyond reproach when it comes to being involved in this pluralistic society. As the Scripture reminds us we should be at peace with everyone (Romans12:18). We should not be seeking to be divisive, argumentative, or speak evil of others (Titus 3:2-4). Such conduct does our reputation no personal good, wins us no friends, and closes more witnessing possibilities than we will ever know about. As I read the scripture Jesus loved the sinner and hated the sin. Can we be any less the disciple?
So how does a believer truly express their faith in the workplace without offending others? I think the Scripture is pretty clear on this. Speak the truth of the Word (Proverb14:25) based on full knowledge of Scripture, not one’s opinion based on a loose interpretation. Use common sense (Proverbs 11:9). God didn’t give us a brain just for a hat rack. I believe He intended for us to think before we speak, or put our thoughts into action! Do not spread lies (2 Chronicles 34:33) about people, employers (past or present) or businesses! Be a positive role model (3 John 1:5). Work without complaining or disputing (Philippians2:14-16a). Develop friendships without ulterior motives (Romans9:21;12:18; Titus 3:2-4). Only hold gender appropriate associations, without bias or discrimination. Accept fellow workers, warts and all. Be patient, become open and truthful, and deal honestly with everyone. As you do these things, then seek opportunities to encourage, build up, promote and pray for fellow workers. Shouldn’t this be your attitude when God brings about the occasion where you can give testimony to His glory and honor?
[1] All Scripture references are King James Version unless specifically identified otherwise