Rejecting Popular Untruths – Forgiving Yourself and Forgetting Your Sins

Two of the most popular, unscriptural concepts accepted by many believers are the need to “forgive yourself” and the importance of “forgetting your sins.”

Many Christian leaders continue to propagate these unbiblical ideas, and best-selling books have spread these untruths throughout the Body of Christ.
As a result, these two fallacies enjoy almost unquestioned acceptance by many believers. For example, a noted Christian psychologist and pastor stated the
following on a denominationally sponsored radio broadcast: “There are many people I counsel who cannot forget their sins. I ask them to consider this: If the blood of Christ has been adequate to blot their sins from God’s presence and satisfy the holy nature of God, then surely they should be able to forgive themselves.”

In spite of the assertion by this well-meaning counselor that believers “should be able to forgive themselves,” this concept originates from worldly wisdom and has no biblical support. In addition, the implication that believers are to “forget their sins” is also unsubstantiated by Scripture and is contrary to teaching in God’s Word.