There Are No Unreachable Children

The author seems to have a heart for children and the church. We are reminded that children are individuals that need our love and guidance as well as our respect.Yes, they have gifts and talents that God wants to use for his glory but we must nurture and train them so the world won’t use their talents for evil. We as Christians need to pass the torch of faith to our children.They need to know that God loves them and wants a relationship and he cares about what they are going through. He’s available 24/7 and is never too busy to listen. Children are indeed important to God and should be important to us they are our future.What kind of future do we want? It does take a village to raise a child and if we don’t work together the next great Billy Graham may fall through the cracks.With all the technology at our fingertips there is no reason why every chilld can’t be reached.