Nevertheless, Himself, although He is Unfathomable, when we search Him with a sincere heart, and that He really know it so, He can, according to His willing, let Himself found.
If willy, He sometimes has Himself found by he who searches Him sincerely with or for a pure motive; it’s obvious that we can no more doubt of the firm order He gave by Himself to us in the book of Matthew 7:7 as followed: “(…) seek and you will find (…) For everyone (…) who seeks finds (…)”. Obviously, we can find Him although He’s an Invisible Spirit.
There’s something prior to scientific research. This precondition, is that the profession or ministry of researcher supposes the existence of a “Hider”, the Everlasting God Himself, for it’s written that He was in the beginning “In the beginning God …”; and that His Glory resides in discretion: “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter (…)”, Proverbs 25:2a. It’s then in the beginning that He’d hidden these things that, most of them, represent for us mines, treasures within the whole Universe. Knowing our creatural limits, He’d known in His pre-science until to where our resources can permit us to accede. And there where can reach our space probes; He gives us permission to sound the areas out as much as possible. It’s our own glory as His wise images to go through research and sound these hidden things: “to search out a matter is the glory of kings”, Proverbs 25:2b.
However, He also knows that there are some places where, even with his most sophisticated machines, never human kind can reach. Human being could reach there but by another means: transcendental meditation [astral voyage], may be, through which human kind goes out of his body without God’s Agreement; and accedes to these places in spirit as demons and their master Satan do. At this stage of researches, if effectively, he’s a natural researcher but not an agent or instrument of Satan, human being falls in the forbidden and gives himself up to everlasting damn.
There’s a researcher because there was a “Hider”, the Everlasting God Himself. There’s a researcher because order was given by the Creator whose Work of Creation consisted in hiding some treasures of Salvation worth (remedies, lights, energies, waves, life, “trapped” in the body, etc.) within all creatures that researcher must discover for the well-fair of everyone.
As a car, humane creature or invention, that are plenty of metal spare parts from varied sources and nature, hidden here and there; the Universe about what the Bible the book of creation talks, includes diversities and diversities per thousands. All among of them that are accessible to us, God gave His Authorization to search within and to make them useful to us for our well-being. Thus, researcher that resembles a ridiculous profession because one can easily looks like he who raves or roams over all when one found not after he searched, becomes the occupation among the noble, one of the noblest. It’s what explains the fact that the most respected social class of our modern society, composed of all the Teachers and Researchers [Lecturers] of Universities, is the one to which this delicately difficult and noble task is assigned.